Cape Town City Sights

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

How many bird species have been detected and recorded at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town?
More than 125

How much land is occupied by the Kirstenbosch Estate in Cape Town?
528 hectares

If you look closely at rocks from the Graafwater formation inside Cape Town’s Kirstenbosch Gardens, you might notice what embellishments?
Water ripples

The easiest way to closely analyze the natural stones of the Table Mountain is to pick up small pieces from what feature inside the Kirstenbosch?

The Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is part of what larger natural attraction in Cape Town?
Cape Floristic Region Protected Area

The Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is positioned at the foot of what natural landmark in Cape Town?
Table Mountain

The rocky cliffs stretching out above the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden are made primarily of what natural material?
Quartz sandstone

What climate is experienced when you visit the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town?

What is one item that most parks have but which is excluded from the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden?
Trash Cans

What is one popular activity that visitors often enjoy while visiting the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town?

What is the name of a large boulder found on the slopes of Table Mountain just as you enter the Kirstenbosch Estate from Newlands Forest?
Big Rock

What is the name of a long-tailed bird that lives within the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town?

What natural event often causes slope failures and closed pathways at the Kirstenbosch of Cape Town?
Heavy rain

What part of Table Mountain serves as the backdrop for the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden?
Eastern slopes

What type of owl is often seen within the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden?
Spotted Eagle Owl

What type of rock will you most likely see in the Graafwater formations inside the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens?

What will you find at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden besides plants?
Art exhibits

While pets aren’t allowed in most parts of the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, there are designated paths for what domestic animal?

You’ll find the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden approximately how far from the center of Cape Town?
8 miles / 13 kilometers


If you walk behind the houses of Bo-Kaap, what will you find on the hillside?
Muslim tombs

In what year were two prominent regions of Bo-Kaap declared a monument?

The Bo-Kaap region of Cape Town was originally created in the 1760s when rental homes in the area were leased mainly to what group of people?

The oldest building in the Bo-Kaap region of Cape Town is now housing what attraction?
Bo-Kaap Museum

There are two primary architectural styles seen in Cape Town’s Bo-Kaap. One is Cape Dutch, but what is the second?

Under apartheid law of the 1950s, the Bo-Kaap neighborhood was given what designation?
Cape Muslims Only

What culinary style is prominent in the Bo-Kaap region of Cape Town?
Cape Malay

What is one feature that makes the houses and apartments of Bo-Kaap stand out?
Bright paint colors

What is the best form of transportation when visiting Bo-Kaap

What popular culinary dish originated in Bo-Kaap but is now widely available throughout South-Africa?
Cape Malay Curry

What upscale retail experience in Bo-Kaap requires you to make an appointment in advance?
The Diamond Gallery

When was a large-scale restoration project implemented in the Bo-Kaap neighborhood of Cape Town?

Which Bo-Kaap mosque is also known as Queen Victoria Mosque?
Shafee Mosque

You’ll find the oldest building in Bo-Kaap on what Cape Town street?
Wale Street

Table Mountain

How long is the plateau at the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town?
2 kilometers / 1.24 miles

How many floral species are represented on Table Mountain?
Nearly 1,500

If you don’t want to hike or climb Table Mountain in Cape Town, what can you ride to the top?
Aerial cable car

In what year was Table Mountain voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World?

Table Mountain Café is located on what part of Table Mountain?
The summit

Table Mountain is located in the northern region of what larger natural attraction in Cape Town?
Cape Fold Mountain range

Table Mountain is located within what natural Cape Town landmark?
Table Mountain National Park

Table Mountain is positioned between two major natural attractions in Cape Town. One is Devil’s Peak, and what is the other?
Lion’s Head

The plateau that serves as the top of Table Mountain today was once what natural landscape?

What is one popular activity that visitors perform at the summit of Table Mountain?
Mail postcards

What is unique about the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town?
It’s flat

What large animal once roamed Table Mountain but is no longer present in the mountain’s environment today?

What makes much of the floral species growing on Table Mountain unique from many other mountains?
They’re endangered

What retail store is located at the summit of Table Mountain in a National Heritage stone building?
Shop at the Top

What small community is woven into the lower slopes of Cape Town’s Table Mountain?
De Waterkant

What was the official name first given to today’s Table Mountain?
Table of the Cape

Where might you go if you wanted to purchase last-minute souvenirs before leaving Table Mountain in Cape Town?
Exit Shop

Where would you go if you wanted to learn more about the history of Table Mountain in Cape Town?
Visitor Center

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