Berlin - City Sights

The Berlin Wall
(5 tickets)

The Berlin Wall was a barrier that separated West from East Berlin during the period of 13th August to 9th November 1989. The wall was built by East Germany to stop the massive escape of East German citizens to the west through West Berlin. The walls most noticeable part is the iron curtain, and it was a strong symbol for the split in Europe during the Cold War. 

How long was the Berlin Wall?
43.1 km

How many years did the Berlin Wall stand? 

In which month did the Berlin Wall fall?

In which year did the Berlin wall fall?

In which year did the building of the Berlin wall begin?

What did the GDR call the Berlin Wall?
The Anti-Fascist Protective Wall

What is the name of the painted section of the Berlin Wall which is 1.3 km long?
The East Side Gallery

What was the reason that the Berlin Wall was built?
To stop the flow of refugees from the GDR to the West

Which of the following was a popular way to escape to the other side of the wall?
Digging tunnels

Which Soviet leader ordered the Berlin Wall to be built? 
Nikita Khrushchev

Which Swedish band released the song "Die Mauer" in 1982 about the Berlin Wall?
Ebba Grön

Who was the first person to be shot to death when trying to escape to the other side of the wall?
Günther Litfin

Who was the mayor of West Berlin when the Wall was built?
Willy Brandt

Charlottenburg Palace
(6 tickets)

Charlottenburg Palace is a palace located in Charlottenburg in the northwest of Berlin, and is one of the city's main attractions. It is a palace from the late 1600's. The palace museum contains many historical Prussian royal collections, such as Prussian regalia. The palace has had an eventful history and during certain times it has even been occupied. 

Charlottenburg is also an affluent neighborhood of Berlin. What year was the district Charlottenburg founded?

If you are in Berlin and want to head towards Charlottenburg, to which point of the compass should you go?

In which year did the construction of the Charlottenburg Palace begin?

What, besided the castle, is popular to visit when visiting Charlottenburg Palace?
Its magnificent garden

What happened to Charlottenburg Palace in 1806?

What is preserved in the Charlottenburg Palace, which is considered to be extremely valuable?
The regalia of Prussia

What is the name of the battle in 1806 that significantly affected the Chartlottenburg Palace? 
The Battle of Jena-Auerstedt

What is the name of the person in the picture who is buried at Charlottenburg Palace?
Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

What style is the Charlottenburg Palace?

What was the name of the castle’s architect?
Johann Arnold Nering

What was the name of the man who designed the castle’s garden?
Simeon Godeau

Who can you see in a large equestrian statue in the castle’s courtyard?
Frederick Wilhelm I

Who decided that the castle whould be expanded?
Sophie Charlotte

Who is currently the owner of the Charlottenburg Palace?
The City of Berlin

Brandenburger Tor
(7 tickets)

Brandenburger Tor is a combination of a city gate and a propylaea, and has become a symbol of Berlin. The gate is the only remaining gate of the 14 gates that formed Berlin's customs barrier. It was designed by the architect Carl Gotthard Langhans and was erected in 1788-91. 

Between which years was the Brandenburg Gate built?

How many Doric columns is the Brandenburg Gate made of?

In which of Berlin’s districts is the Brandenburger Gate located?

The Brandenburg Gate is crowned by a beautiful statue symbolising victory, depicting horses and a wagon. Who drives the wagon?
Goddess of Victory Victoria

The Brandenburg Gate, one of 14 city gates to Berlin, was in which wall?
Berlin’s tariff wall

What did the Brandenburg Gate symbolise from the beginning?
Peace time

What is the architectural style of the Brandenburg Gate?

What is the name of the architect of the Brandenburg Gate?
Carl Gotthard Langhans

What is the name of the place where the Brandenburg Gate stands today?
Pariser Platz

What’s the name of the avenue that leads up to Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Unter den Linden

Where can most Germans daily see the Brandenburg Gate?
On their Euro coins

Who took the gate’s Quadriga statue to Paris as was booty in 1806?

1 comment:

  1. For the Brandenburg Gate they also ask how high it is. 26 m.
