Easter Guru - Junior / Senior / Expert

This job chain needs to be completed as a city task on Easter Island. 

Easter Guru – Junior

During his last meal, what did Jesus drink?

Easter commemorates the resurrection of who?

Easter gets its name from what Anglo-Saxon goddess?

Egg is a healthy food but what is NOT found in egg? 
Vitamin C

Jesus died on which day of the week?

On what did Jesus ride upon when entering Jerusalem? 
A donkey

The Easter egg roll at the White House occurs on what day?

What actor plays E.B. the Bunny in the film “Hop”?
Russell Brand

What are the liturgical colors during the season of Lent? 
Blue and Violet

What do you call the Wednesday during Easter Week? 
Holy Wednesday

What does Judas do to betray Jesus?
Kisses him

What does the word "easter" mean? 
Pass by

What food is often served on the day before lent?

What is another name for "Holy Week"?
Passion Week

What is monday in the Holy week called? 
Blue Monday

What is remembered on Good Friday? 
The crucifixtion and death of Jesus

What is the meaning of the word maundy from Maundy Thursday? 

What is the week before Easter known as? 
Holy Week

What was forbidden in several countries during the 1700s on Holy Thursday? 
To work

What was given to Jesus and his disciples on Maundy Thursday? 

Which European discovered Easter Island? 
Jacob Roggeveen

Which holiday is the biggest one during the Christian Church Year? 

Which name was celebrated Easter eve 2017 in the Swedish Name Day Calendar? 
Oliver, Olivia

Who plays the lead role in the Easter film “Hop”?
James Marsden 

Who took Jesus prisoner before his crucifixion?
The Romans

Why is the Thursday during Easter known as Maundy Thursday?
Jesus was washing the disciples' feet

Easter Guru – Senior

According to a study, the vast majority of Americans eat what part of a chocolate bunny first?

According to the bible, Jesus arose from his grave on what day of the week?

After how many days did Jesus rise from the dead? 

Around how many Peeps are eaten yearly in the United States?
700 million

At the last supper, what were Jesus and his disciples celebrating?

Before being crucified, Jesus was offered what beverage to drink?

For Easter, some nations host bonfires in which specific items are burned. What is burned?
Effigies of Judas

How many disciples were there at the last supper?

In what country do people go get a blessed olive branch in church on Palm Sunday and later hang it up at home? 

Like Christmas, Easter is typically represented by two different colors. One is purple. What’s the other?

The White House egg collection has how many eggs?

The world’s most expensive egg sold for how much money?
$9.5 million

To have impending good luck, what should you not do on Good Friday?
Wash clothes

What animals replaces the rabbit for Easter in Australia?

What country is often credited with starting the Easter bunny tradition?

What day was Jesus crucified? 
Good Friday

What does NOT belong to easter? 
Mulled wine

What is the color of daffodils? 

What is the Jewish spring holiday called? 

What meat is traditionally eaten on Easter?

What type of bread is often associated with Easter?
Hot cross buns

Where is Easter Island? 
Off the coast of Chile

Which of these words does NOT mean Easter? 

Who brings the Easter eggs?
The Easter Bunny

Who helped Jesus carry the cross during his crucifixion?

Who wrote the words that appeared on Jesus’ cross?
Pontius Pilate

Why is a bunny considered to be the symbol of Easter? 
Because of its reproductive function

Easter Guru – Expert

A christian Easter remembers the death and resurrection of Jesus. What day is the resurrection day in the Easter celebration? 
Easter Sunday

After it was taken down from the cross, who was Jesus’ body given to?
Joseph of Arimathea

Around how heavy is the largest chocolate bunny ever carved?
3 tons

Between which dates can Easter occur?
22 March - 25 April

Egg decoration got its start in Ukraine. What is it called there?

How many men were crucified along with Jesus?

In what year did the United Kingdom set for a date for Easter?

On which day after the resurrection of Jesus did he appear in front of the disciples? 
Easter Monday

Peter Cottontail first appeared in a book by who?
Beatrix Potter

The Easter bunny is a tradition from... ? 

The first Easter egg roll at the White House occured in what year?

The men crucified alongside Jesus were guilty of what crime?

The White House egg roll is held on which lawn of the White House?

The world’s largest chocolate bunny exists in what country?
South Africa

The world’s largest collection of Easter eggs exists in what country?

The world’s largest decorated Easter egg exists in what country?

What flower is said to grow with its head down in order to honor Jesus?

What is the egg a symbol of according to the Christian faith? 

What is the name of the place where Jesus was crucified according to the New Testament? 

Which country popularized easter eggs?

Which day did Jesus take communion? 
Maundy Thursday

Who carved the world’s largest chocolate bunny?
Harry Johnson

Who found the empty grave of Jesus on the morning of Easter Day? 
Mary Magdalene

Who made the decision to crucify Jesus to crucifixion? 
Pontius Pilate

Who was spared from dying on the cross, instead of Jesus? 
