Easter Island - City Sights

Rapa Nui National Park (5 tickets)

Rapa Nui National Park is a national park on Easter Island and named in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Rapa Nui is the Polynesian name for Easter Island. Here in the national park there are plenty of exciting plants and stone figures to see. Good luck!

Approximately how many visitors did the park have in 2012?

How high is the tallest stone statue found in the Rapa Nui National Park?
65 feet / 20 meters

How large is the Rapa Nui National Park? 
68.7 km2

How many acres is Rapa Nui National Park?

How many known moais are found on the Easter Island?

How many plant species can be found in Rapa Nui National Park?

How many types of mammals are found in Rapa Nui National Park?

How tall is the shortest stone statue found in Rapa Nui National Park?
6 feet/1,8 meters

What body of water is Rapa Nui located in ?
Pacific Ocean

What Dutch explorer first discovered Easter Island?
Jacob Roggeveen

What is the average annual rainfall in Rapa Nui National Park?
49 inch / 124.6 cm

What is the  average temperature in Rapa Nui National Park during the summer season?
75 F / 23.8 Celsius

What is the average temperature in Rapa Nui National Park during the winter season?
66 Fahrenheit or 18.9 Celsius

What is the closest society/village to Rapa Nui National Park?
Hanga Roa

When was the estimated time of Volcano Rano Kau’s last eruption?
150,000 to 210,000 years ago

When was the Rapa Nui National Park established?

Who has administrative control of Rapa Nui National Park?

Orongo (6 tickets)

Orongo is a historic stone town on the southwest tip of Easter Island. The first half of the stone village's stone masonry house was examined and renovated in 1974. 

During the 18th and 19th centuries, which cult was Orongo the center of?
Birdman Cult

How many people are still a part of the Rapa Nui culture?

How many volcanoes are located near Orongo on Easter Island?

In what year did the World Monuments Fund announce construction of a visitor center?

Orongo is a stone village at Easter Island. What is Easter Island’s native name?
Rapa Nui

What country do Orongo and Easter Island belong to?

What is Easter Island known for throughout the world?
Moai statues

What is the name of the volcano Orongo is found near? 
Rano Kau

What national park is Orongo now a part of?
Rapa Nui National Park

What type of people were the original settlers of Orongo? 

What was the defining ritual of the cult in Orongo?
An annual race

What were the houses found in Orongo originally covered in?

What year did they restore the first half of the ceremonial village’s houses in Orongo?

Which body of water is Orongo and Easter Island located in?
Pacific Ocean

Which two years was Orongo included in the World Monuments Watch?
1996 and 2000

Who do film makers and documentarists need permission from to film Orongo? 

Ahu Tongariki (7 tickets)

Ahu Tongariki is the largest collection of stone statues on Easter Island. The stone statues were destroyed during the island's civil war and they were swept inland by a tsunami in the 20th century. To appreciate this attraction you need to have read a lot about the stone statues of Ahu Tongariki. 

How long is the ceremonial platform of Ahu Tongariki?
220 meters

How long was the restoration project of Ahu Tongariki?
5 years

How many moai stand in Ahu Tongariki?

How many meters is the tallest stone statue at Ahu Tongariki?
14 meters

How many other moais were discovered during the restoration project?

How much did the restoration project cost?
$2 million USD

In what year was Ahu Tongariki hit by a natural disaster?

What coast is Ahu Tongariki located on?

What did the islanders call the moai that was sent to Japan, as a loan?
The Traveling Moai

What does the stone statues at Ahu Tongariki always face during the Summer Solstice?

What event changed the locations of the stone statues at Ahu Tongariki?

What is the biggest ahu on Easter Island?
Ahu Tongariki

What is the heaviest ever erected moai on the island?
86 tonnes

What two volcanoes is Ahy Tongariki located near?
Poike and Rano Raraku

When was the Ahu Tongariki restored?

Where on the island is Ahu Tongariki located?
Hatu Hi

Which government had a large hand in the restoration of Ahu Tongariki?

Which two Chilean Governments officially agreed on the restoration of Ahu Tongariki?
Tadano Limited and the University of Chile

Who led the restoration team of Ahu Tongariki?
Claudio Cristino and Patricia Vargas

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