
Hardwood comes from what type of tree?

How many millimeters is one English inch? 
25,4 mm

The angle at which a saw tooth is set is known as what?
Hook angle

The term “kerf” is associated with what tool?

What do you call an angle that is more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees? 

What do you call the part of the hammer's head that is used to remove nails? 

What do you do when you "dovetail"?
Connects two pieces of wood

What do you use a planer for?
To plane wood

What does a cabinet maker do?
Makes wooden structures for storage

What hard material is used on the tips of drill bits to do masonry work?

What is the worst wood you can use for staining purposes?

What kind of wood is the chair made of? 

What's another name for Allen wrench?
Hex wrench

What's the name of the saw in the picture?
Bow saw

What tool can be used to add nice finish to a piece of woodwork? 

What tool can be used to produce moldings and trim edges? 

What tool is used to determine whether or not something is being built evenly?

What tool is used to plane surfaces? 

Which material does a carpenter often work with?
Wood 😎

Which of these is a type of joinery?
Slender joint

Which of these is a type of molding?
Bull nose

Which of these is not a type of furniture design?

Which of these is not an actual type of pliers?
Jam pliers

Which of these is not an actual type of saw?
Square saw

Which sort of wood is the object in the picture made out of? 

Who hosts “In the Workshop”?
John Sillaots

Who hosts “The American Woodshop”?
Scott Phillips

Who hosts “The New Yankee Workshop”?
Norm Abram

Who played the part of Tim “The Toolman” Taylor on the television show “Home Improvement”?
Tim Allen