Doctor - Junior / Senior / Expert


Adults have how many teeth?

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is located in what city?

How many bones does the human body contain?

How many pints of blood are there in a human body?

Johns Hopkins Hospital is located in what city?

Kids have how many teeth?

St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital was started by who?
Danny Thomas

The first human organ to be transplanted was what?

The Hospital for Sick Children is located in what city?

What form of dementia was discovered by a German neuropathologist in 1901?

What is average human body temperature?
98.6 degrees fahrenheit

What is the name of the hospital on the television show “House”?
Princeton-Painsboro Teaching Hospital

Which of these vaccines caused more deaths than the disease it was supposed to prevent?
Swine flu


A number of hospitals around the world are operated by the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. What is this organization often called?

A person who attempts to lose weight to the point of starvation might be suffering from what?
Anorexia nervosa

How many bones does the human body contain?

How many ribs do men have?
How many ribs do women have?

In the first hippocratic oath, who did the doctor swear to?

National Doctor's Day is celebrated in what month?

The hardest part of the human body is what?
Tooth enamel

The oldest mental health hospital in de world exists in what city?

The skin on a human body measures between 1/2 mm and how many mm thick?
6 mm

The standard Rorschach ink blot test has how many inkblots?

What is SAD an acronym for?
Seasonal Affective Disorder

What is the oldest hospital in the United States? 
Pennsylvania Hospital

Who was the first doctor to wear rubber gloves during surgery? 
William Halstead


Doctor E. Donnall Thomas is best-known for his work with what?
Bone marrow transplants

How many bones does the human body contain?

The Mihintale Hospital could be found in what country?

What British doctor was the founder of antiseptic medicine?
Joseph Lister

What chromosomal disorder results in a small stature, low muscle tone and an upward slanting of the eyes?
Down Syndrome

What doctor conducted the first successful bone marrow transplant?
Georges Mathe

What doctor discovered the causes of tuberculosis and cholera?
Robert Koch

What doctor is famous for studying sexual behavior?
Alfred Kinsey

What doctor is often regarded as the father of the modern heart transplant?
Norman Shumway

What doctor specializes in treating children?

What eating disorder involves periods of binging and then periods of purging?
Bulimia nervosa

What is the name of the doctor who performed the first face transplant surgery? 
Abraham Thomas

What is the name of the doctor who performed the first successful open-heart surgery?
Daniel Williams

What kind of doctor deals with matters of the heart?

What mental illness is characterized by periods of mania and depression?
Bipolar disorder

What nurse is known as the "Lady with the Lamp?"
Florence Nightingale

What nurse opened the “British Hotel” during the Crimean War?
Mary Seacole

Which of these Ancient Greeks is often called the “Father of Western Medicine”?

Which of these doctors helped found the Red Cross?
Louis Appia

Who established St. Christopher’s Hospice, the first hospice-only medical facility?
Dame Cicely Saunders

Who is considered the founder of field surgery?
Nikolay Pirogov

Who was the first African-American to work as a trained nurse?
Mary Eliza Mahoney

Who was the first English woman to qualify as a doctor?
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

Who was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States?
Elizabeth Blackwell

Who was the founder of paediatric cardiology?
Helen Brooke Taussig

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