Inventor - Junior / Senior / Expert


George Washington Carver was famous for his work with what food?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with what invention?
Printing Press

What did the Wright Brothers manufacture to make a living before flying the first ever airplane?

What is the last name of the brothers who are said to be responsible for the first airplane?

Which of these inventors is said to have invented the light bulb?
Thomas Edison

Which of these men was a founder of the computer company Apple?
Steve Jobbs

Who invented Morse Code?
Samuel Morse

Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney

Who invented the Model T automobile?
Henry Ford

Who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web?
Tim Berners-Lee


Along with Jack Kilby, who invented the microchip?
Robert Noyce

Henry Doherty patented what invention?
Pooper scooper

In what year were disposable diapers invented?

What inventor was once dubbed the “black Leonardo”?
George Washington Carver

What musical instrument did Benjamin Franklin invent?
Glass Harmonica

Which Scottish inventor helped develop the television?
John Logie Baird

Who coined the term “brainwash”?
Edward Hunter

Who discovered radium?
Marie Curie

Who invented the first mechanical bicycle?
Kirkpatrick Macmillan

Who invented the pneumatic tire?
John Boyd Dunlop


Inventor James Watt hailed from which country?

Russian inventor Vladimir Zworykin had a part in what invention?

Which founding father of the United States invented the swivel chair?
Thomas Jefferson

Which of these men made many contributions toward the development of the television?
Philo Farnsworth

Which of these toys was originally created to help in World War II?
Silly Putty

Who created the prototype for the disposable diaper?
Marion Donovan

Who developed the grocery bag?
Walter Deubner

Who first sent radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean?
Guglielmo Marconi

Who invented earmuffs?
Chester Greenwood

Who invented the barometer?
Evangalisa Torichelli

Who invented the first automobile?
Karl Benz

Who invented the first photo negative?
William Talbot

Who invented the Linux operating system?
Linus Torwalds

Who invented the piano?
Bartommelo Christofori

Who invented the three-position traffic signal?
Garrett Morgan

Who was the first American female to patent an invention?
Mary Kies

Who was the inventor of the seatbelt?
Nils Bohlin

Who invented the Super Soaker water gun?
Lonnie Johnson