Astronaut - Junior / Senior / Expert


From small to large:
Pluto - The Moon - Mercury - Mars - Venus - The Earth - Neptune - Uranus - Saturn - Jupiter - The Sun


Approximately how old is our solar system? 
4.5 billion years

As of 2017, the astronaut to fly alone in space was who?
Ron Evans

How long does it take the Moon to orbit Earth once? 
27 days

NASA's original qualifications for astronauts determined that you could only be a maximum height of what?

Russian astronauts go by what name?

The first ever woman in space was who?
Valentina Tereshkova

The NASA Space Center in Houston, Texas is named after who?
Lyndon Johnson

The only Mercury astronaut to walk on the moon was who?
Alan Shepard

What arbitrary line is used to mark the spot where space begins?
Karman Line

What do you call an exploding star?

What do you call the highest point the Sun reaches in the sky above an observer? 

What element is the Sun chiefly made of? 

What is a scientific name for the birth of our universe? 
Big Bang

What is the opposite of Occident? 

What is the Sun mainly comprised of? 

Which of the planets in our solar system is the largest? 

Which of these nations does not provide NASA with international astronauts?

Who was the first American to orbit Earth?
John Glenn

Who was the first man on the moon?
Neil Armstrong


As of 2017, who was the last man to stand on the moon?
Gene Cernan

Astronaut John Young once brought what type of sandwich on board a spacecraft?
Corned beef

Astronaut urine collection systems were developed due to complications with what astronaut?
Alan Shephard

At what university did Neil Armstrong teach?
University of Cincinnati

Neil Armstrong's spacesuit weighed around how much while on Earth?
180 pounds

The first astronaut to be removed from a space flight because of an injury was who?
Scott Carpenter

The first astronaut to quit NASA was who?
John Glenn

The first astronaut to speak to the United Nations was who?
John Glenn

What American astronaut was the first to walk in space?
Edward White

What was the first American spacecraft to be launched into space?
Freedom 7

What was the first manned American spacecraft to be launched into space?
Freedom 7

What was the first musical instrument played in space?

What was the name of the school teacher who died in the Challenger explosion?
Christa McAuliffe

Which college has graduated the most astronauts?
United States Naval Academy

Which of these astronauts orbited Earth in his underwear?
Frank Borman

Who is the second man to step foot on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin

Who was the first astronaut to eat in space?
John Glenn

Who was the first astronaut to make two trips to space?
Gus Grissom

Who was the first human to venture into outer space?
Yuri Gagarin

Who was the first U.S. senator to go to space?
Jake Garn