Horror Movie Fan

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In what movie is Freddy Kreuger the killer?
Nightmare on Elm Street

In what movie is Michael Myers the killer?

What actress played the role of Pamela Voorhees?
Betsy Palmer

What does Jason Voorhees wear to hide his face in the Friday the 13th series?
A hockey mask

What is Freddy Kreuger’s signature weapon?
Glove with blades

What is Ghostface’s signature weapon?
Hunting Knife

What is the name of the killer in Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

What is the name of the original Jigsaw?
John Kramer

Which of these actors made their debut in Nightmare on Elm Street?
Johnny Depp

Which of these actors playes the role of Jason Voorhees in the Friday the 13th series?
Kane Hodder