Marilyn Monroe Fan

Only available in Los Angeles

Before becoming a movie star, what was Marilyn Monroe’s profession?
Factory worker

How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died?

How old was Marilyn Monroe when was first married?

In what city was Marilyn Monroe born?
Los Angeles

In what state was Marilyn Monroe born?

Marilyn Monroe’s first film role featured only her voice.  In what movie was her voice featured?
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim

Marilyn Monroe is buried in what Los Angeles neighborhood?
Westwood Village

Marilynn Monroe starred alongside Tom Ewell in what movie?
The Seven Year Itch

Marilyn Monroe starred alongside Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in what movie?
Some Like It Hot

Marilyn Monroe was once married to what legendary baseball player?
Joe DiMaggio

Marilyn Monroe was once married to what legendary playwright?
Arthur Miller

Marilyn Monroe was said to have an affair with what U.S. President?
John F. Kennedy

Marilyn Monroe won a Golden Globe for her performance in which film?
Some Like it Hot

This legendary image of Marilyn Monroe came from what movie?
The Seven Year Itch

What is Marilyn Monroe’s given name?
Norma Jeane Baker

What was the cause of Marilyn Monroe’s death?
Drug overdose

What was the name of Marilyn Monroe’s first husband?
James Daugherty

Which of these movies did Marilyn Monroe not appear in?
Breakfast at Tiffany’s