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In what year was a computer first used to predict a U.S. Presidential Election?

In what year was the first Apple computer released?

What does CPU stand for as it pertains to computers?
Central Processing Unit

What does LCD stand for?
Liquid Crystal Display

What does ROM stand for?
Read-only memory

What does USB stand for?
Universal Serial Bus

What is the lowest level of computer language?
Machine language

What type of processing couldn’t the IBM system, S/360, handle?

What was the name of the first-known computer virus?
Elk Cloner

Which of these commands will open your favorites in Microsoft Internet Explorer?

Which of these is not a control structure of an algorithm?

Which of these is not a legitimate computer operating system?

Which of these is not a method for encoding text characters?

Who designed the Turing Machine in 1936?
Alan Turing