Expert in European Literature

Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes is famous for what novel?
Don Quixote

The epic poem "Beowulf" is set in what part of Europe?

What English novelist was known by her male pen name, "George Eliot"?
Mary Anne Evans

What European author is responsible for his "Essay on the History of Civil Society"?
Adam Ferguson

What is the name of the primary male character in the book "Wuthering Heights?

What Russian writer is responsible for the 1968 novel "Cancer Ward"?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

What writer is responsible for the essay "The Rebel"?
Albert Camus

Which English book includes characters such as "Tiny Tim" and "Ebenezer Scrooge"?
A Christmas Carol

Which English writer is responsible for the novel "Brave New World"?
Aldous Huxley

Which European author wrote the novel series "In Search of Lost Time"?
Marcel Proust

Which of these English novels was written by Charlotte Bronte?
Jane Eyre

Which of these English novels was written by Emily Bronte?
Wuthering Heights

Which writer is responsible for the novel "The Portrait of a Lady"?
Henry James

Who wrote the 1958 novel "The Leopard"?
Giuseppe Lampedusa

Who wrote the book "Robinson Crusoe"?
Daniel Defoe

Who wrote the novel "A Room of One's Own"?
Virginia Woolf

Who wrote the novel "Crime and Punishment"?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Who wrote the novel "Lolita"?
Vladimir Nabokov