
What author is famous for books such as “Oliver Twist” and “Great Expectations”?
Charles Dickens

What author is famous for the book “The Great Gatsby”?
F. Scott Fitzgerald

What comic book creator is responsible for characters such as “Spider-Man” and “The Incredible Hulk”?
Stan Lee

What filmmaker is famous for films such as “Eraserhead” and “Blue Velvet”?
David Lynch

What filmmaker is famous for films such as “Say Anything”, “Jerry Maguire”, and “Almost Famous”?
Cameron Crowe

What filmmaker is responsible for films such as “Annie Hall” and “Manhattan”?
Woody  Allen

What filmmaker is responsible for films such as “Psycho” and “The Birds”?
Alfred Hitchcock

What filmmaker is responsible for films such as “Sixteen Candles” and “Pretty in Pink”?
John Hughes

Which songwriter is famous for songs such as “Like a Rolling Stone” and “The Times They Are A-Changin’”?
Bob Dylan

Who is the author of the “Harry Potter” series?
JK Rowling