John Travolta

In the 1996 film "Phenomenon", John Travolta's character develops what type of powers?

In what film does John Travolta's character ride a motorcycle along with his friends?
Wild Hogs

In what U.S. state was John Travolta born?
New Jersey

In what year was John Travolta born?

In which movie does John Travolta play an angel?

John Travolta dropped out of high school at 16 so that he could pursue an acting career. To which city did he go to pursue that career?
New York City

John Travolta got his big break on what TV show?
Welcome Back, Kotter

John Travolta has been married to whom since 1991?
Kelly Preston

John Travolta played the part of a man running for U.S. President in what 1998 movie?
Primary Colors

John Travolta played the part of a woman in what movie?

John Travolta played the part of Vincent Vega in what Quentin Tarantino movie?
Pulp Fiction

John Travolta stars as Danny Zuko in what 1970s musical movie?

The John Travolta film "Staying Alive" is a sequel to what movie?
Saturday Night Fever

What actor did John Travolta star opposite of in the 1997 film "Face/Off"?
Nicolas Cage

What actress does John Travolta star beside in the movie "Look Who's Talking"?
Kirstie Alley

What film features John Travolta bull riding?
Urban Cowboy

What religion does John Travolta subscribe to?

Who stars alongside John Travolta in the 1996 film "Broken Arrow"?
Christian Slater