Museum Curator

Only available in Athens

Aglaea, in Greek mythology, was one of the three graces. What are they called with another name?
The charites

Adonis was a god in Greek mythology that symbolized what?
The turning seasons

Eurydice was a nymph and married to... ?

Harpies are, in Greek mythology, a kind of death spirit. How are they usually portrayed?
As woman with wings

In Roman mythology the goddess of triumph is called Victoria, but what was her name in Greek mythology?

Polyphemus was a Cyclops in Greek mythology. But who was his father?

Rhea was married to Chronos who had a bad habit, what was it?
He ate his children

The God Pan fell in love with a nymph that was turned into a reed, what was her name?

The Leraean Hydras was a mythological monster. What was special about her?
She had numerous heads

The titans were the first Greek gods and they were all the children of...?
Uranus and Gaia

The tritones were mythological creatures that were half human and half... ?

The word "chimera" comes from the name of a monster in Greek mythology. But what does the word mean?

What’s the name of the goddess that is married to Zeus and who’s equivalent in Roman mythology is Juno?

What was “Baetylus” in Greek mythology?
A sacred stone

Which Greek god belongs with the attributes of laurel, lyre, dolphin and raven?

Which Greek goddess was later called Minerva in Roman mythology?

Which of these words goes best with the name “Charon” in Greek mythology?

Who is it that the goddess Demeter is looking so hard for in one Greek myth?
Her daughter

Who was the god of war in the Greek mythology?

Who was the mother of the horse Pegasus?