Ornithologist or Birdwatcher

It seems to me that the questions and answers to these two jobs are the same. 
Birdwatcher is available around the world, Ornithologist only in Warsaw. 
So you can get two job diploma's for this. 
Then is also a Ornithologist job in Lima, with different questions. You can find the answers I found fot that job below. 

Ornithologist (Warsaw) or Birdwatcher (World)

As of 2017, around how many bird species are extinct?

How fast can frigate birds fly?
260 MPH 

Of all species that have become extinct, around what percent are birds?

The American crow can be found in every state but which?

The pouch of a pelican can carry how many quarts?

What is the smallest flightless bird?
Inaccessible Island Rail

What is the smallest bird on the planet?
Bee hummingbird

What’s a group of chickens known as?

What’s the average life span of a robin?
2 years

What’s the largest type of woodpecker?
Mexican imperial

What’s the only bird that can fly backwards?

What type of bird has the largest eggs?

What type of bird has the smallest eggs?

Which city has the largest population of peregrine falcons in the world?
New York City

Which of these bird species buries its head in the sand according to the myth?

Which of these birds can fly?

Which of these birds is not red?
Wilson’s warbler

Ornithologist (Lima)

Birds are descendants of which extinct group?

In addition to being the national bird for many Southern African countries, which bird's cry is known as the sound of Africa?
Fish Eagle

The Birds was a horror/thriller directed by which well known director?
Alfred Hitchcock

What is a common nickname for bird watchers?

What is the national bird of the Republic of South Africa?
Blue Crane

What is the national bird of the USA?
Bald Eagle

When a birder sees a bird species for the first time it is called a... ?

Which birds are kept at the Tower of London because of a superstition about them?

With which country is the emu associated?

With which country is the kiwi bird associated?
New Zealand